1000Bulbs Partners with DCSEU to Provide Savings to DC Residents — 1000Bulbs Blog


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1000Bulbs Partners with DCSEU to Provide Savings to DC Residents

In an effort to promote reduced greenhouse gas emissions, 1000Bulbs.com is partnering with the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) to offer instant rebates on a selection of ENERGY STAR® certified light bulbs purchased online by Washington, DC residents. As a result of this partnership, DC residents may purchase up to 12 discounted CFL or LED light bulbs from now through March 2015. Bulbs are up to 50% off regular retail pricing.

One of the best deals in this initiative is a dimmable ENERGY STAR certified 60W equivalent standard-shape soft white LED bulb for just $3.99. A comparable LED bulb typically retails for about $10.00. The complete list of discounts includes a wide selection of outdoor CFL and LED bulbs, as well as a few standard-shape CFLs priced at $0.99. All bulbs in the promotion are priced less than $4.99, which can add up to more than 50% in savings compared to similar products.

For those needing further incentive to participate, purchasing these bulbs will also help those in need in time for the holidays. For each discounted LED purchased between now and January 1st, the DCSEU will donate one LED to So Others Might Eat (SOME), a DC-based organization that aids the District's poor and homeless. SOME will be distributing these bulbs, along with holiday food baskets, to their low-income clients so they can save money on their energy bills as well as gain a brighter start to the New Year.

DC residents can check to see if they qualify for the DCSEU offers by verifying their ZIP code at https://www.1000bulbs.com/energy-efficiency-programs/DCSEU. If eligible, the full list of qualifying bulbs will be revealed.

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