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The Great Easter Week LED Giveaway!

While your kids are out egg hunting this weekend, you can have some fun, too! Enter the 1000Bulbs.com Easter Week LED Giveaway by completing the super easy tasks below. In just a few clicks, you'll be entered to win one of three of our most popular LED light bulbs.

We’re running this through next Friday, so be sure to get your friends to enter, too. If they win, you can probably guilt-trip them into giving you the prize!

Here are the steps:

1. Sign in to the contest form below either with Facebook or your email address. 2. Click "+1 Do It!" on the first task. Then, in the comments area below this blog post, say which of the three prizes you prefer and why. 3. Click "+1 Do It!" on the second task and follow the instructions to subscribe to the 1000Bulbs.com blog by email. Click the green "ENTER!" button when you're done. 4. (Optional) Click "+1 Do It!" on the third task, then follow the instructions to follow @1000bulbs on Twitter. Click the green "ENTER!" button when you're done.

That's all. We'll let you know the week of April 16th if you've won!