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How to Add Sockets and Plugs to Bulk Wire

How to Add Sockets and Plugs to Bulk Wire

Looking to create your own unique light strings or extension cords for your dazzling holiday display? We've got you covered! We've created this handy guide that will walk you through the process of adding light sockets and plugs to bulk wire. With our step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to transform your holiday decorations into something truly special. So, let's dive in and make your holiday lights shine brighter than ever!

What is Bulk Wire?

Bulk wire, also known as zip wire, is primarily used to create custom extension cords and light stringers. It consists of two parallel strands: a smooth hot wire and a ribbed neutral wire. In simple terms, bulk wire allows you to achieve that mesmerizing "floating effect" with your Christmas lights, commonly seen in multi-story homes. It's the key difference between an amateur and a professional light display.


Hot and neutral wires of SPT-1 wire.


Types of Bulk Wire

Bulk wire comes in two types: SPT-1 and SPT-2. The only difference between the two is the amount of insulation around the wires. SPT-1 wire is typically used for the majority of seasonal Christmas light displays as it can withstand most conditions. It has an insulation thickness of 0.03 inches.

On the other hand, SPT-2 wire has slightly thicker insulation than SPT-1. With it's 0.045 inch insulation, this thicker insulation makes it more suitable for use in harsh weather, extremely cold climates, or year-round lighting applications. For the purposes of this guide, we will be focusing on SPT-1 wire.


Image showing the difference between SPT-1 & SPT-2 insulation thickness.


Choosing Compatible Sockets and Plugs

Before you start adding sockets and plugs, it's crucial to ensure that they have the same SPT rating as the wire. Since we are using SPT-1 wire, the sockets and plugs must also be SPT-1. In this guide, we will be demonstrating the use of C7 sockets, in-line female plugs, and male plugs. These sockets and plugs are commonly referred to as "vampire" due to the large teeth that pierce the wire's insulation to establish an electrical connection.

Installing a socket.

Installing Light Sockets

To begin, let's take a look at how to install light sockets onto the bulk wire. Each light socket consists of a socket piece and a back cap. They can be added anywhere along the length of the wire. When you look inside the socket, you will notice two teeth. One tooth attaches to a metal tab on the side of the socket, while the other attaches to a tab on the bottom of the socket. Follow these steps to install the socket:

  1. Line up the wire in the groove so that the ribbed neutral wire connects with the tooth connected to the metal tab on the side of the socket.

  2. Apply pressure to ensure that the teeth bite into the wire.

  3. Press the back cap down into place evenly. You can press it down onto a flat surface or use pliers if needed.

  4. The socket is now ready to use.

Installing a male plug.

Attaching Male Plugs

Next, let's discuss how to attach male plugs to the end of the bulk wire. Each tooth in the plug is connected to one of the prongs, with the wide prong being neutral and the thin prong being hot. Follow these steps to attach the male plug:

  1. Split the wire three-quarters of an inch down the middle.

  2. Line up the wire so that the ribbed side aligns with the neutral prong of the plug.

  3. Insert the wire into the channel and bend it over the teeth.

  4. Slide on the cap to complete the connection.

Installing an in-line female plug.

Adding Female Plugs

Female plugs can be placed anywhere along the wire, allowing you to add extensions or drops as needed. They can also be added at the end to cap off the string. Similar to male plugs, the wide insert represents neutral, while the small insert represents hot. Follow these steps to install the female plug:

  1. Choose the spot where you want the plug to be placed along the wire.

  2. Line up the wire so that the ribbed side aligns with the neutral insert of the plug.

  3. Press the wire down into the plug.

  4. Slide on the cap to secure the connection.

If you plan to install a female plug at the end of the wire, simply follow the same steps as with the male plug.

Explore the Options at 1000Bulbs

At 1000Bulbs, we offer a wide selection of bulk wire, sockets, and plugs from Christmas Lite Company. Bulk wire is sold by the spool, while plugs and sockets are conveniently sold in packs. If you have any additional questions or need assistance in finding the right plugs or sockets for your Christmas light project, don't hesitate to reach out to our lighting experts at 855-948-5079 or visit our website at 1000Bulbs.com.

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