Tape light channels are the perfect way to give your LED tape light a truly professional look. In this buying guide, we'll shed some light on tape light channels, explain their importance, and help you make an informed decision.
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All in DIY
Tape light channels are the perfect way to give your LED tape light a truly professional look. In this buying guide, we'll shed some light on tape light channels, explain their importance, and help you make an informed decision.
Want to learn how to add sockets and plugs to bulk wire to create your own custom light strings? We’ve wirtten a quick tutorial to show you how!
Measuring your plastic globes might seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. In this blog post, we'll guide you step-by-step through the process of measuring your plastic globes to ensure that you order the correct replacement size.
Looking for an inexpensive way to spruce up your space? Here are some easy DIY light projects.
If you’ve never made repairs or built your own Christmas lights, you may not be familiar with SPT-1 and SPT-2 wire. Let’s take a look at what the difference is between these wires and dispel some common misconceptions.
Looking for some frightful decorating ideas for Halloween? Here are some spooktacular Halloween DIY ideas to make your yard extra creepy!
Have a lot of old light bulbs laying around? Instead of tossing them out, try your hand at one of these unusual DIY crafts that use old light bulbs.
Now that the inside of your house is decorated, its time to start on the outside. Make your light display the talk of the town with some help from our outdoor ultimate Christmas checklist!
Having trouble deciding where to start on your indoor holiday decorations? Here is our ultimate checklist of everything you need to get the inside of your home in top shape for Christmas!
Looking for some fun summer activities to do with your kids? Check out these illuminating DIY projects your children are sure to enjoy.
Here's step-by-step instructions for installing your low voltage landscape lights.
Read this post for tips and a list of materials needed before your install your own low voltage landscape lighting.