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When to Call an Electrician Part 3

When to Call an Electrician Part 3

Well guys, it’s officially time to end the series. We’ve gone through quite a bit during our discussion on When to Call an Electrician. Having talked about so much, it’s amazing that there is still more to say. For the final installment, we’ll focus on understanding whether or not you even need to call an electrician and electrical home systems as it relates to lighting. Get ready to delve into our electric finale.

Should I Call? 

Before calling an electrician, the first thing you need to evaluate is whether or not placing the call is necessary.  According to Master Electrician Phil Davis of Texas Electrical, it is not uncommon for homeowners to call an electrician when it’s actually unnecessary. For example, as we’ve discussed throughout this series, circuit breakers can often be an issue, but that does not always require an electrician. Often, circuits are overloaded due to heavy power consuming appliances being used at the same time. Remember, some electrical appliances that produce massive amounts of heat such as coffee pots, irons, fans and even some older model refrigerators consume a great amount of power, which can cause the circuit breaker to trip. Circuit breakers trip when a fault has been detected, meaning all of the outlets will cease operation until the breaker is reset. The heavy power consuming appliances mentioned above are considered more “fault-prone.” To avoid calling and experiencing unwanted circuit trips, try not to overload outlets. Also, consider unplugging items that are not being used.

Who Should I Call?  

Once you’ve determined that you need an electrician, figure out what the source of your electrical issue is. According to Davis, you should phone an electrician when you spot flashes or notice electrical appliances behaving strangely when plugged into sockets. Davis explained that these issues could be the cause of poor workmanship during its installation. For this reason, it is important to do your research prior to choosing an electrician. Check ratings on websites, view comments and reviews by customers and evaluate the electrical company. How many references does the company have?  Is the electrician qualified to repair the electrical issue your home is experiencing? How current is his/her certification? These are all questions  you should consider before deciding on an electrician.

Lighting Systems 

Electricity and lighting go hand in hand. When it comes to outdoor residential lighting, Davis says that you should choose low-voltage landscape lighting. When deciding on landscape lighting, be sure to maintain an effective layout so that you don’t experience voltage drop, an occurrence that happens due to impedance, which means that as current moves through a cable it grows dimmer, making lights further away from the power source appear dimmer.  For low-voltage outdoor lighting systems, electricians are rarely needed if you follow instructions properly. Indoor lighting systems are different, however. For example, say you want to add recessed lights to your kitchen to improve overall lighting. This is definitely a task that requires the workmanship of a skilled electrician. Proper consideration must be paid to certain aspects, like whether your ceilings are sloped or high, or which fixtures are most conducive to your home. Some electricians can even help with the layout and design of the lighting system.

This concludes our series on when to call an electrician. Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two about when to place that call and when it’s safe to say you just need to unplug a few things. Stay tuned as we continue to tackle more electrical issues. Have any questions or comments? Feel free to leave them in the section below, or drop us a line of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram!

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